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 There’s a strong Ealing comedy thread to this with some great comedy lines from both the two MC’s but especially the husband and narrator who, in classic British comedy style, is desperately ill prepared for the simple current events and those darker looming.
The first chapter flows well and cracks along with a pretty good pace.

All the best with it. 5 stars from me.

                                                                                Steve Tornbridge

 I absolutely love this and am totally captivated by your sharp-witted humour and your most vivid writing style, nothing took me out of the story.  I loved the opening, tripping over Poodley and Marcia’s need for her morning stimulants. The visual picture you create of Matt’s father was perfect and the scene describing why it was best that Matt hadn’t attended university, was priceless.


                                                                               Lauren Grey



I haven't read many British authors and actually understood them, but Nicholas has a way of making it possible to write a wonderful book, be British AND make it one that's understandable. I greatly enjoyed the story of Matt and Marci and Jasmine and Dave and Rod and the rest. I look forward to more of the same with great anticipation! Thank you, Nicholas David Evans!


                                                                              Phyllis Wright rated it 5 of 5 stars



Expressing ‘political common sense and logic,’ Matthew Hatch manages to send the country into riotous conditions. For his own safety and the good of the country the police offer to set up protection in return for a favour. Things however go from bad to worse. Matthew is not sure that staying with his beautiful neighbour is going to help the situation, but Marcie has too many other things on her mind to be concerned about this minor detail. Matthew however, soon realises he has to do whatever he can to save Marcie! 
Brilliant! The plot is gripping and the pages turn swiftly. I am hoping to read more of Matthew and Marcie’s controversial escapades as I am sure there is more to this couple then one book has to offer.


                                                                                 Sharon Joy 






Phyllis Wright's review 

Aug 08, 13



5 of 5 stars

Read from August 06 to 08, 2013


OH! I LOVED IT! Equal attention was paid to each of the characters, even though there was more focus on Jevin and Kip, as they are the protagonists of the story. It was glorious and held my attention for the two days it took to read it! I have a greater appreciation for Ogres and a better understanding of how having a dog as a companion rather than a "pet" works. It shows a wonderful respect for both beings, and that is a lovely thing. Thank you for writing this enchanting tale and sharing it with the world, Nicholas! You're the man!




Ogres and Fairies living amongst us! What a great concept! The notion to produce individuals with prolonged existence could give Professor Robert Winston something to consider. Nicholas writes with a vivid imagination, with scenes that would transfer well into a film. Lots of likeable characters, in particular, Kip the ravenous beast of a dog with a heart to equal his stature. Great book! I am looking forward to reading ‘The Tar’ and ‘The Logical Candidate’ also by Nicholas David Evans.


                                                                                 Sharon Joy

Kipling, an Ogre's Dog

The Tar

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